Volunteer Waiver
Strong communities start with YOU. THANK YOU for coming alongside us to see how together, we can strengthen vulnerable homeowners and open gateways to successful and sustainable homeownership. We’re delighted that you’ve decided to join us in our pursuit of strengthening vulnerable homeowners to build strong communities!
In consideration for being able to participate as a volunteer, I confirm that I am over the age of 16 and I do hereby release and hold harmless Home Repair Services of Kent County, Inc., their funders, supporters, officers, agents, and employees or the homeowners for whom I may do home repairs for, from any injury which I may suffer or incur as the result of my volunteering. Volunteers age 16 or under may still be able to participate with prior approval by the Executive Director of Home Repair Services.
Further, and to protect the rights of the homeowner’s privacy, I will not use their name or any photos of them without their consent. In receiving their consent, I understand and accept the responsibility of having the homeowner sign a consent release form.
Home Repair Services of Kent County, Inc., has my permission to take photographs/videos of me volunteering with or without my name. These photographs will be used to tell the story of my volunteering experience or to promote volunteering. I agree that Home Repair Services may use these photos/videos to publish in print and/or electronically. I further agree that Home Repair Services may use any photography that I have shared with the organization to publish in print and/or electronically.
Information is for HRS use only and will not be shared with outside sources.