Basic Plumbing

Free Hands-On DIY Workshop: Basic Plumbing – 11/02/2024

Join us for this FREE Basic Plumbing Workshop!

Sponsored by LMCU, this free Basic Plumbing workshop takes attendees through a study of the two water-related systems in the home.

First is the supply system, which brings in the fresh water, and second, the drain system for removing wastewater. Attendees will participate in hands-on training to repair leaky faucets, toilets that keep running, and how to connect various types of supply lines.
No RSVP is required. We hope to see you there!
See it on Facebook!
Únase a nosotros en este taller GRATUITO donde aprenderá sobre los dos sistemas
hidráulicos presentes en las casas : el primero es el sistema que lleva el agua fresca a la casa
y el segundo es el que elimina el agua residual
Los estudiantes participaran en un taller práctico donde aprenderán a reparar una llave que pierde agua,
un tanque de lavabo que continua a perder agua sin parar y como conectar varios tipos de canarias
No necesita confirmar su asistencia, esperamos verle allí!


Nov 02 2024


10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Home Repair Services
1100 S Division, Grand Rapids, MI